Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
The Lansdowne staff ensures that all students are cared for, valued, and held to high behavioral standards to create a safe learning environment. This is a school where all students can feel successful and become prepared for the 21st century. Among highlights are a highly inventive STEAM program that focuses on engineering at all grade levels and an amazing after-school program with many community partners.
Our approximate enrollment is 620 with class sizes averaging 24 students. Kindergarten classes have teaching assistants, too. Our certified staff have all achieved or are working toward a master's degree. They all participate in myriad professional learning activities and seminars during the summer and throughout the school year.
At Lansdowne Elementary, we pledge to provide the foundation for students to become critical and creative thinkers, effective communicators, independant learners, and responsible citizens.