Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
Phone: (859) 422-0014
Fax: (859) 440-1844
Principal: Jennifer Fish
Assistant Principal: Ann Ingram
Attendance Clerk & Registrar: Stephanie Wiseman
School Counselor: Brenda Adams
Librarian: Kelsey Hartline
English Learners (EL) Lead Teacher: Natalie O'Dea
Family Resource Center Coordinator: Josh Owsley
School Nurse: Cora Campbell
Title IX Coordinator: Jennifer Fish
After School Child Care: YMCA, (859) 422-1738 after school hours
District Office: Chief of Schools Lisa Smith, (859) 422-0671 or -0672
Our schools are closed Sept. 30 through Oct. 4. Students return to class on Monday, Oct. 7.