Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is how all staff members at Lansdowne support students to ensure they are following our schoolwide behavior expectations. When all students and staff know and follow our schoolwide behavior expectations, students are more likely to experience success academically, socially, and emotionally because our learning environment can be more positive, safe, predictable, and equitable. At Lansdowne, the behavior expectations are to be SAFE, RESPONSIBLE, and RESPECTFUL in all areas throughout the building and school grounds.
Our focus is to encourage and celebrate positive behavior rather than focusing on punishing negative behavior. When students do not follow our schoolwide expectations, their behaviors are addressed according to our Three Level Behavior System.
Since we are constantly working toward improvement of our school in all areas, Lansdowne staff regularly receives training on PBIS. We also have a PBIS committee that works on ways to reinforce positive behaviors at Lansdowne and ways to make improvements if we see a need. Our Lansdowne PBIS Committee meets monthly to review schoolwide student data and each year we use a Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) to review practices and create an action plan to make continuous improvements.
How do we know when we need to make improvements? Teachers monitor students' behavior each day in eOS by determining if they were SAFE, RESPONSIBLE, and RESPECTFUL throughout the day. Students may earn a point for each expectation three times a day. Each week teachers and administrators review each student's data in eOS. When students are meeting the expectations we celebrate and when they are not, we work hard to figure out why and how to help them.
If you are interested in being a family representative on the Lansdowne PBIS Committee, please contact Dr. Ingram.